The early morning sun shines into the Bowl, the spiked rim sending scattered shadows over the sandy floor. Despite the time, many are already up and about. One such is a pair walking across the Bowl in the crisp air.

"I told him I couldn't let it go for twice than what he'd originally offered, and the silly-wherry still tried to haggle! With me, for Faranth's sake!" The young man laughed, grinning over at you. His black hide coat was pulled up tightly over the white shirt, though his collar hung a bit looser than the rest of the coat.

"For Benden White, Creg? Was the man out of his mind?" You shake your head, wondering what kind of fool would try to pull such a hoax. "Had to be a Bitran..." The two of you chuckle, your breath coming out in puffs of white smoke from the cold.

"Who knows, he left a few candlemarks later. Something about having to be at Asura Hold for Turn's End. Probably off trying to find someone else to swindle." He chuckles, shaking his head. "Never try to cheat a Vintner, eh? We know what it takes to make a fine bubbly, and we'll charge higher than any Gather vender." He gives you a wink.

You grin, nodding. "That you will, though it seems you Apprentices are a bit less frugal than your Masters. Speaking of which, what says your father about you staying at the Weyr for this Turn's End? I'd suspect he'd be begging you back to the Hall by now, either that or begging your mother to keep you for life." You laugh, dodging a poke aimed at your ribs.

"My father? Master Lioned the irrepressible? Believe me, he's tried. Mum is determined to keep me here though, she wants me to spend some time with the 'real people' of Pern, rather than the drunks at the Hall." He snickers, shaking his head.

He looks straight ahead after a moment, his bright eyes shining in the morning air. He didn't seem to be as cold as you, his brown hair still slightly wet despite the frigid air. "Isn't this refreshing?"

You stare across at him in disbelief. "Creglion! Have you crackdust for brains? It's bloody cold out here!" You shake your head.

"Ah, but you forget my friend." He grins over at you, his eyes still sparkling despite his sallow complexion. "When you've come from High Reaches Hold, this is a much welcome change during the winter months! Besides, you know by the afternoon it'll have warmed up enough for the weyrlings to go swimming. I swear, you've got the oddest weather around here."

You nod, looking over at the Weyr Lake. The light breeze blowing over the Rim creates waves on the water, making the shadows that fall on it move to and fro as if waves themselves. "And then tonight it'll be so cold the whers'll shiver in their dens."

"Wouldn't surprise me." Creglion smiled, taking a deep breath and inhaling the brisk scent. "I managed to drag Reni out of the Hall for this one Turn's End, so I'm expecting you to join us and Mum at the Dining Hall." He grins at you out of the corner of his eye.

"Eswaren?" Your eyes widen and you can't help but laugh. "However did you get him away? I refuse to believe he'd give up his Turnly chance to get smashing drunk and not have anyone complain!"

Creg simply grinned. "Let's just say a few bottles of Master Idran's new bubbly does quite a bit of convincing." He laughed as you stared at him with open eyes. "I'm the man's Apprentice, you think he'd deny me?"

The two of you chuckled for a moment, then Creglion's head jerked upwards. "Sweet! Where've you been?" You look around for a moment, then laugh to yourself as a small gold firelizard sails down to land on his shoulder. He coos at her for a few moments, making kissing noises and generally pampering her. The small queen croons at the attention, thoroughly enjoying it.

"I swear you spoil that little creature rotten." You shake your head with a laugh at his hurt expression, which just as quickly turns into a grin. "She's got her tail wrapped around you and there's nothing you can do to escape."

He laughs with you, then turns and scratches the gold's eye-ridges. "But of course! She's my little queeny. Enki's always been my only love." He smiles, craning his long neck to rub his nose against hers.

You shake your head, snickering. "I'll leave you two alone, then. I've got some things to do before I have to go help out Headwoman Landara with midday meal." You jog off, receiving a yell from Creg that you reply to with a promise to be at the evening meal.

[Later, at the evening meal...]

~Jerdan Weyr~
Where C'glion Impressed Arduth
and where he Impressed Enki!

Background credited to Silverhair!